Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe with 9 Ingredients For A Creamy, Sweet Delight

Must Try

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe is a beloved dessert that is known for its smooth and velvety texture. However, when it is made with an ingredient called condensed milk, the outcome is completely different and the end product is an all-you-can-eat creamy and delicious pudding.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to prepare this incredible sweet with the most suitable ingredients, the best cooking process, and the equipment you will need. We will also look into the nutritional information of this amazing dessert.

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe


Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe: An Overview

Custard has a long history, and it is one of the most revered desserts of all time. This is a simple smooth and creamy pudding made from milk and sugar along with eggs.

There are some extraordinary desserts, which have been simply irreplaceable across the time and generations. On the other hand, when prepared with canned milk instead of regular milk, it takes on a whole new world of creaminess and taste. This dessert’s flavor, sweetness, and smoothness create an irresistible mixture that is impossible to resist.



What Makes Condensed Milk Such A Great Ingredient To Use In Making Custard

Condensed milk provides this custard with a more sinfully decadent flavor, sweetness, and pocket that any custard lover would truly appreciate. Since sweetened condensed milk has the sugar component already added to it, there is no need for additional sugar thus simplifying the recipe preparation. Also, it helps in creating an even base that does away with lumps and gives the best consistency to the custard. Consequently, you also achieve a delicious super smoothCustard with Condensed Milkdessert experience that can be enjoyed by all and sundry.


Ingredients for Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Main Ingredients:

  1. Condensed Milk: 1 can (14 oz)
  2. Whole Milk: 2 cups
  3. Egg Yolks: 4 large
  4. Vanilla Extract: 1 teaspoon
  5. Cornstarch (optional for thickness): 1 tablespoon
  6. Sugar: 2-3 tablespoons (optional depending on sweetness preference)

Optional Additions for Extra Flavor:

  1. Ground cinnamon or nutmeg
  2. A tablespoon of butter for a richer flavor
  3. Zest of lemon or orange for a citrusy twist


9 Ingredients for Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Main Ingredients

Condensed Milk: 1 can (14 oz)

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Whole Milk: 2 cups

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Egg Yolks: 4 large

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Vanilla Extract: 1 teaspoon

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Cornstarch (optional for thickness): 1 tablespoon

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Sugar: 2-3 tablespoons

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Optional Additions for Extra Flavor

Ground cinnamon or nutmeg

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

A tablespoon of butter for a richer flavor

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Zest of lemon or orange for a citrusy twist

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Nutritional Information for Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Caloric Breakdown (Per Serving, Based on 6 Servings):

  1. Calories: 240
  2. Fat: 10g
  3. Carbohydrates: 35g
  4. Protein: 7g
  5. Sugar: 30g

Condensed milk is known for containing a large number of calories. Therefore, although this custard is packed with flavor, it’s overly rich in nature. You can change the recipe by using a little amount of condensed milk or including cornstarch so that a light version of the recipe can be made. On the same note, it’s not bad to pamper ourselves now and then hence one should warm up to these custards and the right kind of  Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe dessert once in a while without feeling too guilty.


Health Benefits and Considerations

Calcium: Given that custard is a good source of calcium, if this dish is included in the diet, then one’s bones will become extremely healthy and strong.

Proteins: Eggs and milk are though delicious but result in excellent sources of protein that contribute to the repair of tissues in the body as well as building more muscles.


It is explained that condensed milk is known to have a high sugar content and therefore should not be used extensively. For individuals that are trying to manage their weight, it becomes essential to remember that they should have the portions in moderation. However, moderation is key, especially for those managing blood sugar levels.


Equipment Needed For Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

  1. Medium saucepan
  2. Whisk
  3. Mixing bowl
  4. Heatproof ramekins (if baking)
  5. Strainer (optional)
  6. Wooden spoon or spatula 

6 Equipment Needed For Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Medium saucepan

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe


Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Mixing bowl

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Heatproof ramekins (if baking)

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Strainer (optional)

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Wooden spoon or spatula

Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Preparation Process For Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Step 1: Preparing the Ingredients

To start off on the right foot for your recipe, prep your ingredients by collecting all essentials together. Eliminate those pesky egg whites by carefully separating the egg yolks and disposing them aside.

Pour out exactly the right portion of the condensed milk and whole milk, making sure that you also have a tablespoon of vanilla extract as well as cornstarch, if they are to be utilized in the recipe. Proper ingredient preparation is very critical in making sumptuous custards.

Step 2: Preparing the Custard Base

In a big bowl, softly whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until a blend has been achieved i.e., smooth in consistency with a yellowish look. Do this in another saucepan whereby the condensed milk and the whole milk will be mixed together and placed on medium fire.

Though it would be advisable not to boil the milk, the milk mixture’s stirring should be occasional, which should leave it warm only. Once the perfect temperature has been achieved with the milk mix and the egg yolks, you can now begin the process of adding the egg yolks rapidly in small amounts. Otherwise, there is a danger of inadvertently scrambling the eggs, all of which are not pleasant. You can start by mixing half a cup of the egg yolk into the milk mixture, while continuing to stir. Slowly add more milk and combine until the two have become well incorporated.


Cooking Process For Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Method 1: Stove Method

After preparing the custard mixture, gently pour the now tempered egg concoction back into the saucepan with the remaining milk mixture. This is the beginning of transforming it into the most mouthwatering custard you’ve ever tasted.

Add in a splash of vanilla flavor and stir in the cornstarch if you want it to be even creamier. The more you love the flavor, the more diluted the intoxicating aroma will be.

Now comes the patience part. Turn on low heat and carefully watch over the custard while stirring continuously. It is an essential stage that will give your custard its distinctive elegance, so be consistent with your stirring until the mixture thickens turn the heat low keeping it constantly stirring. There is a time frame, around 8 to 10 minutes, can it be done much longer and possibly give it a boil?

After those several endless minutes, the custard would now have taken on a rich and thick consistency, so remove it from the heat. But before you get too excited, let’s filter out any possible lumps and add some smoothness to it by pouring it through a fine sieve Pour the custard into ramekins or a serving dish and let it coo.

Method 2: Oven-Baked Method

The oven should be heated to a precise temperature of 325 degrees Fahrenheit (160 degrees Celsius), as this is the perfect temperature to bake the custard and ensures that it cooks evenly without being overly hot.

Once the custard base is prepared, take care to carefully pour it into individual small-sized ramekins to create a portioned serving ideal for individual customers and guests.

Next, one should line the ramekins in a baking dish, ensuring that hot water should be poured carefully and gently into the baking dish to ensure that the water reaches halfway up the sides of the ramekins so that the custard might have that extra moistness; this is called a \’bain-marie\’ for beautiful uniform cooking.

The custard should be subjected to baking for a duration of thirty to forty minutes; the custard should be closely monitored nearing the end of the time; the ideal custard should have a beautifully smooth and delicate texture and should have set, but at the same time, it should continue to slightly wobble at the center.

Upon completing the oven baking process, one should remove the custard from the oven with great caution and allow it to cool slightly before serving, this will help in making the individual servings comfortable, not very hot nor cold.


Cooling and Serving For Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Once the custard is ready, one should allow it to cool at room temperature, that takes the time for the custard to regain its consistency, and for the flavors to develop fully. If a thicker and creamier delectable custard is desired, now is the time to place it in the refrigerator for a minimum period of 2 to 3 hours for some hours. The custard should be served cold with a light sprinkle of ground cinnamon, fresh seasonal berries, or many modern choices such as a gentle dollop of whipped cream, all working together to make the custard that much more decadent and amazing.


Tips for the Perfect Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

In order to protect against the curdling of the eggs in the mixture, the custard should always be cooked over a low flame characterized by a slow process that makes it look and feel luxuriously smooth and velvety without any lumps or visible pieces.

After cooking, ensuring a perfect texture means that the custard materials should be treated to a thorough strain with a fine-meshed sieve to keep out any clumps or pieces, thus achieving the perfect halcyon quality for the custard.

For the best possible custard experience, allow at least the custard to cool before serving to further enhance its cohesiveness and luxurious texture.


Flavor Variations For Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe

Chocolate Custard: If you’re ever in the mood for some delicious custard with an exciting chocolate flavor, you can simply add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder to the custard mixture before cooking for an improved chocolate flavor.

Coffee Custard: If you are someone who enjoys the aromatic and flavor profiles found in coffee, all you have to do is add a teaspoonful of instant coffee to the mixture while it is being prepared for making a luscious coffee-brown custard with a strong coffee flavor.

Fruit Infusion: Why not get creative and turn your custard into a dessert that is both playful and visually appealing. You could top it with some fruity preserves or even better, a layer of thinly burnt sugar which could give the whole dessert the delicious fresh fruit and crème brulee hints that have been combined into one.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Boiling the Milk: A very helpful nugget of wisdom to think about is that when preparing a custard, it is crucial to remember that the milk should always be heated slowly and carefully. Heating the milk until it reaches boiling point at any time breaks up the proteins in the eggs, subsequently resulting in a curdled ending.

Skipping the Tempering Process: An extremely important step to creating the perfect custard with smooth texture is the tempering method. By just dumping hot milk in directly into cold eggs, the poor eggs undergo perceivable temperature shock and get ruined because they scramble. However, once done properly in stages instead of all at once – with some patience; it is possible to create this amazing dessert!

Not Using a Strainer: When you prepare a custard by mixing together various ingredients, they often create hidden lumps which can ruin its overall texture. To avoid this from happening and ensure that you end up with a dessert that’s completely smooth, it is wise to strain the mixture and thereby guarantee the custard is lump-free. So everyone like Custard with Condensed Milk desert.


As you can see, the sugary mixture of custard and milk sweetness with added creaminess has become simple yet amazing and easy. All that is needed for the base any person or any novice cook with a tiny bit of practice may right away whip this custard without any problem is within his.

The only thing that you need is a few ingredients preferably common and simple procedures. Despite needing the utmost firmness of consistency and film to technique, it is a desert to share with anyone and everyone and where to offer it in any place or moment of a lifetime. You can make it just as smooth and simple as you want; you can also play with exquisite quotations and much more, becoming known as a true master of the fine art of creamy custarding. Everyone like Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe.So all of you must try Custard with Condensed Milk Recipe.


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